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On 1st December a very special Dan test was held at Chilean IKO Matsushima Honbu Dojo in Santiago, Chile.

On 1st December a very special Dan test was held at Chilean IKO Matsushima Honbu Dojo in Santiago, Chile. Four students were asked to fulfill different and exhausted physical and technical tests for more than 4 hours where the Kyoksuhin spirit and strength was shown and displayed.
The special event where 2 senior applicants performed all tests required to get Shodan rank, including tameshiwari, physical strength and more than 10 fights, passing successfully all of the tests.The exam was conducted by the Chilean Technical Staff including Sensei Claudio Toledo – IV Dan – , Sensei Freddy Segovia and Sensei Eduardo Carstens boh III Dan ranked.

Branch Chiefï¼›Claudio Toledo