I.K.O.MATSUSHIMA European Championships will be held in Spain on 12-14 May 2023
I.K.O.MATSUSHIMA European Championships will be held in Spain on 12-14 May 2023
Please click here of website European Championships
12th May;Friday official hotel (DWO Sirius) checking competitors.
o 09.00h to 13.00h at hotel DWO Sirius
o 17.00h to 20.00h at pavilion
Friday official referee katas meeting DWO Sirius
o 15.00h to 17.00h
Friday transfer to pavilion
o 17.00h
Friday katas European Championships Matsushima
o 17.30h to 20.00h
13th May;Saturday referee kumite meeting DWO Sirius
o 10.00h to 12.00h
Saturday transfer to pavilion 15.30h (there will be regular and continuous transfer hotel-pavilion-hotel)
Saturday kumite European Championships Matsushima
o 16.00h to 20.00h
Saturday Sayonara Party
o 22.00h
14th May;Sunday European Meeting
o 08.30h to 10.00h (with breakfast included)
Sunday International course and Dan test
o 10.30h