In the city of La Serena, on Friday, July 5th. This class brought together four Dojos from the region, led by Sensei Gabriela Gonzalez, Sensei Gonzalo Valderrama, Senpai Jacinto Torres, and Senpai Rodrigo Toledo. The class was conducted by Shihan Claudio Toledo and Shihan Francisco Sandoval, with the aim of welcoming new members to our organization and providing a brief technical leveling session regarding terminology and the program. With more than 50 students and 16 black belts, including Shihans, Senseis, and Senpais, it was an opportunity for gathering and training for all attendees.
Branch Chief; Claudio Toledo
D.O. Francisco Sandoval
Seminar and Kyu test was held in Santiago Chile on 28th June 2024. This event brought together four Dojos and a total of 26 examinees, ranging from 10th kyu to 4th kyu. The examination panel was composed of Shihan Claudio Toledo (6th Dan), Shihan Francisco Sandoval (5th Dan), and Sensei Lisandro Garrido (4th Dan), along with the participation of Dojo instructors and Senpais, which made the event a great opportunity for learning and spirit.
Branch Chief; Claudio Toledo
On 18th June 2024, National Tournament “1º Copa Kaiju IKO Matsushima” , in which were 237 kumite competitors and 107 Kata Competitors was held.
We had the support of the “Chilean National Federation of contact Karate” and all the friendly organizations that had rise the level of our event. Our Organization was fully engage with the judging and staff manegement.
This event was possible thanks to my Senpai Carla Cornejo, who did a great job organazing everything so the tournament was a success,and also thanks to Shihan Claudio Toledo for his inconditional support.
D O;Francisco Sandoval