Home » Branch News, Branch News in 2012, Result of Championships

On April 29, 2012 was held on “National Tournament IKO Matsushima Italy” in the resort is Sannicola province of Lecce Italy.

The race has hosted some 130 athletes from various Italian dojo.
The tournament has committed athletes in the morning with the evidence of the Kata and in the afternoon with the kumite.
The event was attended by the Dojo of Firenze, Bologna, Parabita, Taranto, San Giorgio Jonico, Caltanissetta, Corigliano, Sannicola, Bari, Carpignano, Collepasso, Casarano.
The Organization Ikko, with President Shihan Tommaso Nicoletti, thanked all the teachers present and the referees notice for having contributed, by their presence, the success of the National Competition.
Shihan Casto Coordinator of the event thanked Sensei Centonze and Senpai Zocco commitment to the organization and the success of the National Karate Tournament Kyokushin IKO Matsushima Italy”