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Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary held its annual national summer training camp in Miskolc (North-East Hungary).

Oyama Karate Kyokushin Hungary held its annual national summer training camp in Miskolc (North-East Hungary). The chief instructor was József Borza. Assistant instructors were Zsolt Tóth (5th dan), Károly Veress (5th dan), Imre Gyarmati (5th dan), and Zoltán Orehovszki (5th dan). There were 110 participants, mainly high ranks and black belts. There were 3 trainings a day, all of them following the original budo spirit. The trainings were hard and exhausting, but strenghtened the spirit.

6.00-7.00 am: stamina
10.00-12.00 am: kihon, kata
16.00-18.00 pm: kumite

The national team had special separate trainings all week lond. We held a referees’, a trainers’ and a CPR (emergency treatment) course. Also, we held a general meeting with all the dojo operators taking part.

Branch Chief Jozsef Borza