The I.K.O.MATSUSHIMA South American Championships was held in Chile on 18,19th Feb.2012
The I.K.O.MATSUSHIMA South American Championships was held in Penco,Chile on 18th & 19th Feb.2012
The Olympic Committee and Government supported the championships. Penco city is close from Concepcion. On 18th Feb.Children’s and youth Championships was held. After then Opening ceremony started from PM19:00.
At second day Kumite of adult class was held. Chile,Peru,Mexico and Costa Rica etc attended. North American Chairman; Roman Szyrajew Canada Branch Chief,European Chairman;Klaus Rex Denmark Branch Chief,Orla Hansen Denmark Branch Chief,Henrik Roseger Denmark Branch Chief,Felipe Oviedo Peru Branch Chief,Jacobo Ramirez Mexico Branch Chief took place. Chile Branches are increasing. I felt that South American contries’s strength.
Branch Chief;Claudio Toledo