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A Hungarian club camp was held by Shihan Zoltan Orehovszki on 16-19 July 2015.

A Hungarian club camp was held by Shihan Zoltan Orehovszki on 16-19 July 2015. There were 67 members of the club taking part in the camp. Trainings were held in two groups. Kids had two trainings and adults had 3 trainings a day.

There were kihon, kata and kumite trainings, and also conditional trainings were important part of the days as several members are going to take part in and do grading in our national camp in August.

To make the camp more colourful there were many interesting programs not only for kids during this long weekend.

Branch Chief;Zsolt Toth

Hungary Zsolt August 2015 14

Hungary Zsolt August 2015 15

Hungary Zsolt August 2015 7